When a family is established or is in the process, and has children of school age, this aspect can be a high priority.

Undoubtedly, parents will seek that their children begin to create a path that allows them to be prosperous and have a promising future.

Knowing this important aspect is something at the top of the list of things to do.

In Houston, there are specifications for minors to attend school.

Under Federal Law, state and local educational agencies are required to provide children – regardless of immigration status – equal access to public education at the primary and secondary levels.

Includes children – such as unaccompanied children – who may be involved in immigration proceedings. Beginning on September 2015, HISD will have “newcomer” high schools for newly arrived immigrants. The schools will offer lessons designed for “newcomers”, who don’t speak English. The ZIP code of the child’s residence determines the elementary or secondary school they will attend.

To find the school that the minor is eligible to attend within the Houston Independent School District (HISD) you can consult the Student Transfer Department www.houstonisd.org/spanish.

If you already know the school your child is eligible to attend, you can find the location and contact information at http://www.houstonisd.org/_findAschool.

After locating the correct school that the child is eligible to attend, you will need to report to the school to enroll the child.

Due to schools sometimes having a registration schedule, call before you show up.

Ensure to bring the following documents when you register your child:

  • The child’s birth certificate or other proof of age and identity
  • Proof of the responsible person’s identity and his/her residence address (driver’s license or utility bill)
  • If the residence is an apartment, a valid lease in the name of the official resident
  • A child’s immunization record is signed by a doctor
  • A letter from the official resident of the address where the applicant resides, indicating how long the applicant has lived at that address
  • The name of the last school the student attended
  • A copy of the resident’s most recent electric, gas, or water bill

At Gomez Law, family law is a specialty, and we provide advice to address issues as important as the education of your children.