Mediation is a process by which an independent and impartial person (the mediator) helps the parties in conflict find a solution, thus avoiding going to court. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution system.

The mediator is considered neutral and will act without his power of decision. He will conduct the mediation session, helping the parties reach an agreement. However, once the parties have decided to start a mediation process, they can leave the process at any time, without having to end it.


The opposing parties have an agile and economical tool to reach an agreement. It is a confidential and voluntary procedure that favors communication, dialog, and negotiation.


It’s much cheaper than a judicial procedure. The cost and duration of a mediation process will depend on the complexity of each case.

LESS complicated solution

This legal alternative has different characteristics from others, with greater implications. Here are a few:

  • Allows conflicts, discussions, and problems to be managed appropriately to minimize damage and prevent them from destructively affecting the other party.
  • It’s a current and effective method, which provides practical, effective, and profitable solutions.
  • Mediation is a simple and flexible process, fast and cheap, confidential and voluntary, where the mediator is neutral.
  • Facilitates the culture of peace and dialog, providing a greater social co-existence.
  • Agreements reached through mediation have a higher rate of compliance than a court ruling.
  • Satisfaction of the parties is much higher, because it’s a solution they have reached together, without it being imposed on them by a third party. Both parties win.

One of Gomez Law’s areas of expertise is mediation, which is available to those who need help resolving disputes.

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